what is the fastest way to kill scabies ?


There are approximately 200 million cases of scabies in the world at any given time. It’s a highly contagious condition that can easily be passed from one person to another through direct skin contact.

Scabiesa sexually transmitted disease, although it can be transmitted through intimate contact, sharing clothing, or sharing bedding.

Although scabies can be bothersome, the mites can usually be eliminated. Treatment often consists of medications that kill the mites and their eggs. Since scabies is so contagious, doctors usually also recommend treatment for the people who are in frequent contact with the person who has scabies.

What are the causes of  scabies ?

Scabies is the result of an infestation of tiny, eight-legged mites. These bugs are so small you can’t see them on your skin, but you can certainly see their effects.

The mites burrow into the top layer of your skin to live and feed. Female mites lay eggs. Your skin reacts to the mites and their waste, and you develop a red, itchy rash.

These mites are easily passed between people. Direct skin-to-skin contact is the most common way the infestation is spread. The mites can also be spread through infested:

  • furniture
  • clothes
  • bedding

Facilities where people live in close contact with one another often see infestations spread easily. These may include nursing homes or extended care facilities.

What are the signs and symptoms of scabies ?

After the initial exposure to scabies, it can take 2-5 weeks for symptoms to appear. The symptoms usually develop more quickly in people who’ve had scabies before, often as soon as 1-4 days after exposure.

The hallmark symptoms of scabies include a rash and intense itching that gets .worse at night Continuous scratching of the infected area can create sores that become infected.  If this occurs, additional treatment with antibiotics for the skin infection may be recommended.

Common sites for scabies in older children and adults include the:

  • wrist
  • elbow
  • armpit
  • nipple
  • penis
  • waist
  • buttocks
  • area between the fingers

Scabies in babies and toddlers, and sometimes the very elderly or immunocompromised can show up on the:

  • head
  • face
  • neck
  • hands
  • soles of the feet

The rash itself can consist of:

  • tiny bites
  • hives
  • bumps under the skin
  • pimple-like bumps

The burrow tracks of the mite can sometimes be seen on the skin. They may appear as tiny raised or discolored lines.

How is scabies diagnosis ?

Able to diagnose scabies simply by performing a physical exam and inspecting your affected area of skin. In some cases, your doctor may want to confirm the diagnosis by removing a mite from your skin with a needle.

If a mite can’t easily be found, your doctor will scrape off a small section of skin to obtain a tissue sample . This sample will then be examined under a microscope to confirm the presence of scabies mites or their eggs.

A scabies ink test (or Burrow Ink Test) can help spot burrowed paths in your skin created by the mites. To do this test, your doctor can drop ink from a fountain pen onto an area of the skin that appears to be infested. They then wipe away the ink. Any ink that fell into the burrowed tunnels will remain and be obvious to the naked eye. That’s a good indication you have an infestation.

How to treat scabies ?

Treatment for scabies usually involves getting rid of the infestation with prescription ointments, creams, and lotions that can be applied directly to the skin. Oral medications are also available.

Ointments, creams, and lotions for scabies

Your doctor will probably instruct you to apply the medication at night when the mites are most active. You may need to treat all of your skin from the neck down. The medication can be washed off the following morning.

Make sure you follow your doctor’s instructions very carefully. You may need to repeat the topical treatment in 7 days.

Some common medications used to treat scabies include:

  • 5 percent permethrin cream
  • 25 percent benzyl benzoate lotion
  • 10 percent sulfur ointment
  • 10 percent crotamiton cream
  • 1 percent Lindane Lotion

Medications for scabies itch

Your doctor may also prescribe additional medications to help relieve some of the bothersome symptoms associated with scabies. These medications include:

  • antihistamines, such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl) or pramoxine lotion to help control the itching
  • antibiotics to kill any infections that develop as a result of constantly scratching your skin
  • steroid creams to relieve swelling and itching

More aggressive treatment may be needed for severe or widespread scabies. An oral tablet called ivermectin (Stromectol) can be given to people who:

  • don’t see an improvement in symptoms after initial treatment
  • have crusted scabies
  • have scabies that covers most of the body

Sulfur is an ingredient used in several prescription scabies treatments. You can also purchase sulfur over the counter and use it as a soap, ointment, shampoo, or liquid to treat scabies.

It’s important to note, however, that no over-the-counter scabies treatments have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

During the first week of treatment, it may seem as if the symptoms are getting worse. However, after the first week, you’ll notice less itching, and you should be completely healed by the 4th week of treatment.

Skin that hasn’t healed within a month may still be infested with scabies mites. It’s important to remember that “post-scabies itch” can last up to 1 month.

Contact your doctor right away if you find that symptoms continue after 4 weeks of treatment.

Some traditional scabies treatments can cause unwanted side effects, such as:

  • a burning sensation on the skin
  • redness
  • swelling
  • numbness or tingling

While these side effects are typically temporary, they may be uncomfortable.

Common natural treatments for scabies include:

Tea tree oil

Small studies show tea tree oil may treat scabies while also easing itching and helping eliminate the rash. However, it won’t work well on mites that are burrowed in your skin.

Aloe vera

Aloe is thought to have antibacterial and antifungal propertiesTrusted Source and is well known for its ability to ease skin irritation and burning. One small studyTrusted Source from 2009 found that aloe vera was just as successful as a prescription treatment at treating scabies.

Be sure to buy pure aloe vera, not an aloe vera-infused product.

Capsaicin cream

Capsaicin has pain-relieving propertiesTrusted Source and has long been used as a home remedy for burning pain. Though it will not kill the mites, creams made with capsaicin from cayenne peppers may relieve pain and itching by desensitizing your skin to the bothersome bites and bugs.

Essential oils

Clove oil and some other essential oils are thought to have potential insecticide properties that could help remedy scabies.

 It was performed in a test tube or culture dish, researchers examined the effectiveness of various oils for killing scabies mites. The researchers found that the most efficient oils in order were:


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