ALOPECIA AREATA : symptoms , causes , treatments


Alopecia areata , also know as spot baldness, is a condition in which hair is lost from some or all areas of the body .It results in a few bald spots on the scalp, each about the size of the coin . Psychological stress and illness are possible factors in bringing factors in bringing on alopecia areata in individuals at risk, but in most cases there is no obvious trigger. 

Alopecia areata is believed to be an autoimmune  disease resulting from a breach in the immune privilege of the hair follicles . Risk factors include a family history of the condition . the underlying mechanism involves failure by the body to recognize its own cells , with subsequent immune - mediated destruction of the hair follicles .


The main and often the only symptoms of alopecia is hair loss. you may notice :

small bald patches on your scalp or other parts of the body 

patches may get larger and grow together into a bald spot 

hair grows back in one spot and falls out in another 

you lose a lot of hair over a short time 

more hair loss in cold weather 

fingernails and toenails becomes red , brittle , and pitted 

The bald patches of skin are smooth , with no rash or redness. but you may feel a tingling , itching ,or burning sensation on the skin right before the hair falls out . 


When an autoimmune disease, your immune system attacks your body . Alopecia areata , it's the hair follicles that are attacked . then something happens to trigger the hair loss . 

You're more likely to get alopecia areata if you have 

a family member who has it 


down syndrome 

pernicious anemia 

seasonal allergies 

thyroid disease 



Alopecia areata can't be cured . but it can be treated and hair can grow back . there are several things to try  :

these are anti inflammatory drugs that are prescribed for autoimmune diseases . they can be given as an injection into the scalp or other areas . they can also be given as a pill or rubbed on the skin as an ointment , cream , or foam . the downside is that it may take a long time to work . 

This is used when there's a lot of hair loss or if it happens more than once . chemicals are applied to the scalp to produce an allergic rection . it also causes an itchy rash and usually has to be repeated several times to keep the new hair growth . 

this treatment , which is put on the scalp, is already used for pattern baldness . it usually takes about  12 weeks before your see growth , and some users are disappointed in the results . types of alopecia are most likely to respond to minoxidil .


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