Anthrax is a rare but serious illness caused by a spore - forming bacterium , Bacillus anthracies  Anthrax mainly affects livestock and wild game . Humans can become infected through direct or indirect contact with sick animals . 

No evidence that anthrax is transmitted from person to person , but its possible that anthrax skin lesions may be contagious through direct contact or through contact with a contaminated object .usually , anthrax bacteria enter the body through a wound in the skin . you can also become infected by eating contaminated meat or inhaling the spores . Prompt treatment with antibiotics can cure most anthrax infection . inhaled anthrax is more difficult to treat can be fatal . 


There are 4 common routes of anthrax infection , each with different signs and symptoms . in most cases , symptoms develop within six days of exposure to the bacteria . 


A skin - related anthrax infection enters your  through your skin , usually through a cut or other sore . it's by far the most common route of the disease . it's  also the mildest . signs and symptoms include :

a raised , itchy bumps resembling an insect bite that quickly develops into a painless sore with a black center 

swelling in the sore and nearby lymph glands 

sometimes, flu like symptoms including fever and headache 


A gastrointestinal anthrax infection results from eating undercooked meat from an infected animal . it can affect your gastrointestinal tract from your throat to your colon ,. signs and symptoms include :



abdominal pain 


 loss of appetite


severe . bloody diarrhea in the later stages of the disease 

sore throat and difficulty swallowing 

swollen neck 


Inhalation anthrax develops when you breathe in anthrax spores . the most deadly from of the disease , is often fatal , even with treatment . initial signs and symptoms include :

- flu like symptoms 

- mild chest discomfort 

- shortness of breath

- nausea 

- coughing up blood 

- painful swallowing 

- high fever 

- trouble breathing 

- shock 

- meningitis 


This recently identified route of anthrax infection has so far been reported only in Europe . initial signs and symptoms include : 

- redness at the area of injection 

- significant swelling 

- shock 

- multiple organ failure 

- meningitis 


Anthrax spores are formed by anthrax bacteria that occur naturally in soil in most parts of the world . the spores can remain dormant for years until they find their way into a host . common hosts for anthrax include wild or domestic livestock , such as sheep , cattle , horses and goats. 

Most human cases of anthrax occur as a result of exposure to infected animals or their meats and hides . in US , a few people have developed anthrax while making traditional African drums from the skin of infected animals .

One of the few instances of nonanimal transmission was a bioterrorism attack that occur in the US in 2001. 22 people develop anthrax after being exposed to spores sent through the mail, and five of those infected died. 


To prevent infection after being exposed to anthrax spores, the centers for disease control and prevention recommends :

- A 60 day treatment with antibiotics - ciprofloxacin , doxycycline and levofloxacin are approved for adults and children 

 - A three - dose series of anthrax vaccine 

- in some cases, treatment with monoclonal antibodies - raxibacumab and obiltoxaximab 

An anthrax vaccine is available for certain groups of people . the vaccine doesn't contain live bacteria and can't lead to infection . however , the vaccine can cause side effects , ranging from soreness at he injection site to more - serious allergic reactions . 

The vaccine isn't intended for the general public . it's reserved for military personnel , scientists working with anthrax and people in other high risk professions . 


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