Monkeypox rash : symptoms , prevention


Monkeypox is a rare disease similar to smallpox caused by the monkeypox virus . it found mostly in areas of Africa , but has been seen in other regions of the world . it cause flu like symptoms such as fever  and chills , and a rash that can take weeks to clear . 

Monkeypox is a rare disease caused by the monkeypox virus . its leads to rash and flu - like symptoms . like the better known virus that causes smallpox , its a member of the family called orthopoxvirus . 

Monkeypox was discovered in 1958  when  two outbreaks of a pox - like  disease occurred in groups of monkeys being used for researched .There are 2 known types of monkeypox virus - one that originated in central Africa  and one that originated in West Africa . The  current world is caused by the less severe West Africa clade


It may be several days to a weeks before you develop symptoms . early signs of monkeypox include flu - like symptoms , including :

- fever 



- muscle aches 

- fatigue 

- swollen lymph nodes 

the rash starts as flat , red bumps , which can be painful . those bumps turn into blisters , which fill with pus . the blisters crust over and fall off the whole process can last two weeks to four weeks . This atypical presentation includes only a few lesions , no swollen lymph nodes , less fever and other signs of illness . 


A smallpox vaccine provides protection against monkeypox , its uses is currently  limited  to clinical trials . Prevention depends on decreasing human contact with infected animals and limiting  person to person spread . 

- Avoid contact with infected animals 

- avoid contact with bedding and other ,  materials  contaminated with the virus 

- thoroughly cook all foods that contains animal meat or parts 

- wash your hands frequently with soap and water .

- avoid contact with people who may be infected with the virus .

- practices safe sex, including the use of condoms and dental dams 

- wear a mask that covers  your mouth and nose when around  others

- clean and disinfect freqently  touched surfaces . 

- use personal protection equipment [ PPE ] when caring for people infected with the virus 


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