PARONYCHIA : Types , Causes , Symptoms , Prevention


Paronychia is an inflammation of the skin around the nails , which can occur suddenly , & it is usually due to the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus , or gradually when it is common caused by the fungus Candida albicans .

Paronychia is nail inflammation it may result from trauma , irritation or infection .it can affect fingernails or toenails . 

Paronychia can develop when bacteria enter broken skin near the cuticle and nails fold , causing an  infection . the cuticle is the skin at the base of the nail. 


Acute paronychia is usually caused by bacteria . it is often to treated with antibiotics , either oral,  topical or both . Chronic paronychia is most often caused  a yeast infection of the soft tissues all around the nails , and it can be traced to a bacterial infection . The infection is continuous , the cause is often fungal and needs antifungal cream or paint to be treated . 

Paronychia is a primary inoculation  of tuberculosis of the skin and nails , named after its association with prospects , who prepare specimens for dissection . The main risk factors include repeatly washing hands and and trauma to the cuticle such as may may occur from repeated nail biting . 

Painful Paronychia in association with with scaly , keratotic rash to the ears , nose , fingers , and to be indicative , and which is associated with squamous - cell carcinoma of the larynx. 

Other bacteria can also cause infection . Bacteria get into the skin through :

- Cuts , broken skin or hangnails .

- Irritation from water or chemicals . 

- Trauma to the nailbed or cuticle area . Trauma can result from accidents , nails biting or frequent manicures and pedicures.



The infection is only in the nail fold and doesn't extend deeper inside the finger or toe . Symptoms of acute paronychia appear over hours or a few days . 


Symptoms develop more slowly than acute paronychia , and they usually last six week or longer . Candida is one of the several types of fungi that cause toenail fungal infections . 


Symptoms of paronychianusually develop over several hours or days . sometimes they take longer to develop. Symptoms appear were the nails meets the skin . 

Paronychiasymptoms include :

- Pain , swelling and tenderness around the nail.

- Skin that is red and warm to the touch . 

- Pus that builds up under the skin . a white to yellow , pus-filled abscess may form . it may require antibiotics and drainage . 


Paronychia is a common nail condition . This bacterial nail infection , but it more common among people who:
- EXPOSED TO IRRITANTS - Detergents and other chemicals soaps that can irritate the skin and lead to a nail bed infection . People who work with chemicals but don't wear protective gloves so they high risk . 
- BITE THEIR NAILS OR CUTICLES : Nail biting or picking at the cuticles  can create tiny cracks int he nails or cuts in the skin . Bacteria may enter the skin through these small cuts. 
- HAVE CERTAIN SKIN CONDITIONS : People who have underlying skin conditions may be more likely develop nail infections . 
- WORK WITH WATER : Bartenders , dishwashers and other people with jobs that require their hands to be wet and they have a high risk of developing paronychia . 


  • Avoid biting or chewing  on your nails . 
  • Be careful not to cut your nails too short .  when trimming cuticles , avoid cutting too close to the nail fold . 
  • Maintain good & healthy hygiene by washing your hands properly keep your nails clean . And always use gentle soaps that are not irritating to your skin . 
  • Use lotion on your nails and cuticles if your skin is dry . 


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