How do you get rid of hyperhidrois ?
Hyperhidrosis causes your body to seat more than it needs to, sometimes for no apparent reason. sweating can be uncomfortable and embrassing , which is why may people never seek help. Hyperidrosis treatments offer you options you can reduce your symptoms and region control your life . In hyperhidrosis , your body's sweat glands overact. this overactivity causes you to sweat a lot , at times and places where other people wouldn't .
Sometimes , a medical condition or emotion trigger excessive sweating . for many people with hyperhidrosis , controlling sypmtoms can be a constant challenge . Estimate betwwen 2% and 5% of people in the U.S. have hyperhidrosis . That number may be higher. Many people who sweat excessively don't talk about their symptoms and never tell their healthcare provider . that makes it hard to gauge how many people hyperhidrosis affects .
Primary care provider may refer to a fdermatologist for hyperhidrosis ttreatment . The provider may start by recommending lifestyle changes or medications .
1. LIFESTYLE CHANGES : Changing your routine showering more often or wearing btreathable may improves minor hyperhidrosis symptoms . and all your treatments options and help you decide what's right for you .
2. ALUMINUM - BASED ANTIPERSPIRANTS : Antiperspirants work by sealing up sweat glands so your body stops producing sweat. Your provider may recommend over the counter or prescription strength varieties. Stronger antiperspirants may help more. But they are more likely to cause side effects , such as skin irritation .
3. ORAL MEDICATIONS : Anticholinergic drugs can make aluminium based antiperspirants work better . Potential side effects include blurred vision and problem peeing , which may lessons sweating while also calming anxieties . Beta blockers may also be recommened by your provider .
4. CLINICAL - GRADE CLOTH WIPES : Prescription strength cloth wipes containing glycopyrronium tosylate may reduce armpit sweating . Each single use cloth comes in its own package . the wipes daily for continued benefits .
Hyperhidrois treatment for hands :
- diabetes
- menopause /hot flashes
- low blood sugar
- overactive thyroid
- heart attack
- nervous system problems
- infections
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