what is folliculitis ?

 Folliculitis  is a common skin condition  that happens when hair follicles become inflamed . It caused by an infection  with bacteria . At first it may look like small pimples around the tiny pockets from wher each hair grows . 

The condition can be itchy , sore and embarrasing . The infection  can spread and turn into crusty sores . mild folliculliculitis will likely heal without scarring  in a few days  with basic self- care. more- serious or repeat infections may need prescription medicine .  Left untreated , severe infections can cause permanent hair loss and scarring . 

Folliculitis is a common skin condition  commonly triggered by bacterial or fungal infections. There are several types of folliculitis, the difference is determined by the cause of the infection or inflammation . 

Basic skin hygiene practice can help lower your risk of developing folliculities , but if the condition  appear , it helpful to know how to recognize it and how best to respond . it may look like acne or a rash and can be isolated to one hair follicle or affect many, it can be acute or chronic

How to treat folliculities  ?

Follicuties is usually minor and goes away  on its  own  without  treatment. Skin irritation that accompanied by a fever , a spreading rash, or pus- filled and smelly bumps , seek medical help. To treat acute follilitis that's severe or slow to heal  , your doctor may recommend over the counter or prescription  medications . for example , they may recommend :

  • Oral or topical antibiotics or antifungal medications to treat the cause of your infection 
  • NSAIDs or antihistamines to relieve  pain or itching 
  • During treatment , you should  refrain from removing hair by plucking , waxing , or shaving . Allowing your hair to grow may help your follicles to heal . for chronic folliculitis , your doctor may advice you to grow your hair for up to 3 months . Chronic folliculitis  can be more difficultto treat . 
  • Antibiotics and other medication may not clear up chronic cases . If other treatment options fails, doctor may recommend laser hair removal . 

Causes of folliculitis :

Folliculitis is usually caused by staphylococcus bacteria or types of fungi . While you can contract  staph bacteria through bodily contact  with  someone  who  has it , folliculitis caused by fungi is not passed through physical  contact . Folliculitis caused by staph bacteria through contact with items , such as razors , towels , or clothing used  by someone  who has bacterial folliculitis . In general , folliculitis is caused when a hir follicle is inflamed and infected . This causes the follicle to swell under  the skin , creating uncomfortable  bumps on the  surface of your skin . there are certain factors that can  increase your risk od developing  folliculities .

  • if you shave often 
  • an oral antibiotics for a long period of time 
  • overweightv/ obesity
  • a history of diabetes 
  • activites that make you sweat a lot and don't fully clean off afterwards
  • spend time in a hot tub or  sauna that isn't properly cleaned  

What are the symptoms of folliculitis ?

Folliculitis causes small or crusty bumps to form on your skin . some of the bumps may be pustules  raised areas  contains pus - and may resemble pimples . They can be red , white , or yellow in color . They may be accompanied by :
  • - soreness
  • - itching 
  • - swelling 

Types of folliculitis :

Folliculitis can form as a result of several types of fungal or bacterial infection . The following include some of the more common types of folliculitis :
1. Hot tub folliculitis 
2. Pityrosporum folliculitis 
3. Bacterial folliculitis 

Regular  swimming pools and water slides can also  bring on the infection .  The rash commonly  appears as scattered red bumps . areas of the skin covered by swimwear  such as the buttocks are most  prone to develop the rash, but it  may also  affect  the skin directly exposed to the contaminated water. other symptoms include itching  and burning . Hot tub folliculitis often  resolves  often resolve onits own . Topical treatments  that may be helpful include  silver  sulfadiazine cream  twice a day , in severe cases, oral antibiotics may be prescribed . 


Pityrosporum folliculitis  forms when the yeast pitysorum moves into hair  follicles and spreads . an acne - looking rash erupts  on the  skin . Pityrosporum  normally lives on the skin and causes no rash or other skin conditions . It's only when there is an overgrowth that pithrosporum folliculitis forms . 

Wearing tight , moisture - trapping clothes 

hot and or humid weather 

oily skin 

use of oily or greasy products , such as  certain sunscreens 



3. Bacterial folliculitis:

Bacterial folliculitis  is themost common  form of this condotion . It usually develops when the bacteria   which exists on the skin always enter the skin and infect the hair follicles . Mild cases may be treated by topical antibiotic , while  more serious casrs may require an oral antibiotic too. 

How is folliculitis diagonsed ? 

Follicultis is usually diagnosed during a physical exam with your healthcare provider . It can be done during an appointment and in most cases , you do not need to see a skincare specialist .Physician is usually  able to  diagnose folliculitis and provider a treatment  plan . In certain , severe or persistent cases , an appointment with a dermatologist is recommended . In some more severe cases, your provider may refer you to a dermatologists  foradditional tests to ake  sure your folliculitis isn't another medical condition .  that can be done is a biopsy . This is a test where a small sample of your skin is a biopsy .  a small sample of your skin is removed and then  taken  to a lab where it 's studied . 


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