what is hidradenitis suppurativa ?

 What is hidradenitis suppurativa ?

Hidradenitis suppurativa is a condition that causes small, painful lumps to form under the skin . The lumps usually develop in areas where your skin rubs together , such as  the armpits , groin , buttocks and breasts . The lumps heal slowly , recur and can lead to tunnel under the skin and scarring . Hidradenitis suppurativa tends to start after puberty , it can persist for many years and worsen over time , with serious effects on your daily life and emotional well-being . combined medical and surgical therapy can help manage the disease  and prevent  complications . 


Hidradenitis suppurativa can affect one or several areas of the body . Signs and symptoms of the condition include :

Blackheads : blackheads appear in small pitted areas  of skin , often appearing in pairs . 

Painful pea - sized lumps : The condition usually starts with a single , painful lump under the skin that persists for week adn months . More  bumps may form later, usually in areas  where you have more sweat and oil glands or where the skin rub together , such as armpits , groin . buttocks and breasts .

Tunnels : Over time , tunnels might form under the skin , connecting the lumps these wounds heal very slowly , if at all , and drain blood and pus . 

Leaking bumps or sores : Some bumps or sore get bigger , break open and drain pus with an odor . 

some people with this condition experience only  mild symptoms . The course of the disease is highly  variable . Excess weight and being a smoker are associated with worse symptoms , but even people who are thin  and don't smoke can experience severe disease. 

Pictures of hidradenitis suppurativa :

What are the causes of hidradenitis suppurativa ? 

Hidradenitis  suppurativa develops when hair follices become blocked . The exact cause for this isn't known . It could be connected  to hormones , genetic predisposition , cigarette smoking or excess weight . Hidradenitis suppurativa is not  caused by an infection or being unclean , and it can't be spread to other people . 

Risk  Factors  of Hidradenitis Suppurativa :

Factors that increase your chance ofdeveloping hidradenitis suppurativa include :

1. Age  :The risk of hidradenitis  suppurativa is higher for people in their 20s and 30s . 

2. Sex  : Females are more likely to develop  hidradenitis suppurativa than are males . 

3. Race : Ethnicity or race might affect risk level . in the United States, the condition's prevalence is disproportionately  high among Black  people . 

4. Family  History : A tendency to develop hidradenitis suppurativa can be  inherited . 

5. Certain conditions : Hidradenitis suppurativa is more common and severe in people who are overweight . It also has as association with severe acne . arthritis , diabetes , metabolic syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease . 

6. Smoking : smoking tabacco has been linked to hidradenitis suppurativa .


Treatment with medications , surgery or both can help control symptoms  and prevent complication  of hidradenitis suppurativa.  expect to have regular follow up visits with your dermatologists . Some people might need the comprehensive care  provided  by a multidisciplinary health care team.


Mils symptoms might be managed with a topical antibiotic in liquid  or gel form .  For more - widespread  disease , your doctor might prescribe antibiotic pills , such as doxycycline  , clindamycin , rifampin or both . People with severe  disease might need to take antibiotics for months . Triamcinolone injected into the sores might help reduce swelling and inflammation . Hormone pills , such as estrogen - containing combined  oral  contraceptives , might be effective for people with mild hidradenitis suppurativa . Oral retinoids might be an options for some peoplem with acnelike disease . These drugs are not recommended  when you're pregnant or breastfeeding or you intend to become pregnant . 


Combined medical and surgical approaches help manage hidradenitis suppurativa . Surgery is an important part of disease management when a tunnel  and bump are present . Surgical approach is right for depends on the extent and severity of your condition.  The risks and benefits of the options , which include :

This procedure involves removing tissue to expose the tunnels under the skin . It's used  for people with moderate or severe hidradenitis suppurativa .The procedure , also called limited unroofing , involves removing a single inflamed bump . This approach might be an option for people with persistent or severe symptoms  . even after surgery , sores might still occur in other areas . Surgical drainage is no longer considered an effective option for treating  hidradenitis suppurativa . The method might be considered  to provide short -term pain relief , but afterward , sores usually flare again . 



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