What are the causes of Ainhum ?
What is Ainhum ?
Ainhum is a condition that refers to the auto- amputations of a digit , usually the 5th toe . This is sometimes bilateral and can also, though less frequently , affect the fingers . It is a poorly understood phenomena and medical literature is somewhat lacking . It is also known as dactylopsis spontanea .
Ainhum occurs equally in males and females . Risks factors for getting ainhum include :
- Arfican hertiage , though those of asian , West Indians and Central America heritage are also susceptible
- Tropical or subtropical climate
- Age less than 30 or greater than 50 years old
What are the causes of Ainhum ?
Ainhum occurs due to a fibrotic band which encircles a digit and consists it, gradually causing the auto - amputation .
the exact cause of this disease is unknown , though genetic predisposition is suspected as it tends to run in families .
Other researches theories that it is an immune system response , due to the involvement of T- lymphocytes at the affected site
it is believed that trauma or walking barefooted might possible contribute to the development of this disease .
Some pictures of Ainhum :
What is the treatment for Ainhum ?
Treatment for ainhum may include :
Pain control with oral naproxen or injections of triamcinolone - lidocanine compounds
topical steroid or intralesional corticosteroids , topical retinoids or salicylates for early stages fibrotic bands
Amputation for late stage ainhum
What are the outcome for Ainhum ?
Ainhum in itself fatal , but may put patient at risk for :
1. secondary bacterial skin infections at affected site
2. development of dermatophyte fungus infections
3. Balance problems due to loss of digit
Ainhum is an idiopathic dermatological disease characterized by a progressive contricting ring usually on the fifth toe , which may lead to spontaneous auto - amputation of the affected toe . Timely diagnosis and treatment are the key elements to avert amputations with resultant mutilating deformities , permanent handicaps and psychological sequelae .
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