What is Acropustulosis ?
Acropustulosis is an itchy , uncomfortable skin codition that most often affect babies . your child's pediatrician may refer toit as acropustulosis of infancy . Though uncommon, acropustulosis can develop in older children and adults . Typically , that happens after an infection or injury .
An acropustulosis rash may flare up several times over a period of months , regardless of treatments . Most cases of acropustulosis of infancy usually disappear by the age of 3 . This skin condition doesn't carry with it any other complication or long term health problems .
An acropustulosis rash usually appears just on the soles of teh feey or the palms of the hands . The rash looks like small , reddish , flat bumps . The bumps can then turn into blisters or pustules . the pustules can then into blisters or pustules . The pustules , which appear in clustern called crops , can be very itchy .
Crops may come and go during a child's first 3 of life . They tend to be less frequent as the child approaches age 3 . In most cases, acropustulosis appears during the first year of life . In older children & adults , acropustulosis appears primarily as blisters or pustules around the fingernails or on the toes . It can harm the nails , and in the most serious cases , acropustulosis can damage the bones .
Areas of skin with rashes may be slightly darker long after the rashes clear up. eventually , the skin should return to its usual color . There may be sores in the mouth and elsewhere on the body with HFMD too. This is also the case with chickenpox , which can include vesicles .
The causes of acropustulosis is unknown . Sometimes it develops before or after a child has a similar skin codition called scabies . Child can have an allergic reaction to the type of burrowing mite that gets into their skin and causes scabies. Acropustulosis may occur without scabies too. While scabies and chickenpox are contagious , acropustulosis isn't . children with a flare up can still go to their school or day care center .
Treating an acropustulosis rash usually involves a topical ointment that includes a strong corticosteroid, such as betamethasone valerate . This should help reduce some of the skin inflammation and relieve some of the itchiness . a powerful antibiotic called dapsone , which is sometimes used topically to treat severe acne, may be used for serious causes of acropustulosis . Both of these treatments have a significant risk of side effects and aren't often used for children .
Treatment of the kind is usually no longer necessary after about 2 years of on -again , off- again outbreaks . Usually , a crop will form on the skin and last for a week or two . This is followed by a period of two to four weeks without a rash . During that time , no treatment is needed . Acropustulosis may not need to be treated with strong medication at all . To help relieve itchiness , your doctor may prescribe an oral antihistamine .
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