What is the most common cause of acromegaly ?


Acromegaly is a rare but serious  medical  condition  that happens when you have too much growth hormone in your  body .  Acromegaly affects your body's bones  and tissues  and causes them to grow in irregular ways . The most common treatment for acromegaly  include surgery , medication and radiation therapy. Acromegaly is a rare but serious condition that happens when you have high levels of growth hormone {GH}  in your body . Pituitary gland normally produce s GH , but tumors on your pituitary or in other parts of your body produce excess GH in acromegaly . Pituitary gland is a small , pea -sized endocrine gland located .  at the base of your brain  below your hypothalamus . Pituitary  gland releases eight important hormones, including GH . Growth  hormones , also known as human growth hormone  and somatotropin , is a natural hormone that acts on many parts of the body to promote growth in children . 


In adults , acromegaly affects your body's bones and tissues and causes them to grow in irregular ways . 

Adults with acromegaly may experience the following symptoms :

- Enlarged hands or feet 

- Changes in your face shape , including a more prominent jaw and / or forehead .

- Increase in size of your lips , nose and or tongue .

- Excessive sweating or oily skin . 

- Deepening of your voice . 

Other symptoms include :

- Headaches 

- Joint pain 

- Vision changes 

- Increase in the number of skin tags 

- Numbness in your hands 

-Sleep Apnea 

- Carpal tunnel syndrome or spinal cord issues 

Acromegaly symptoms often start slowly and may be difficult to notice at first . some  people only notice their hands have grown in size when rings they regularly wear feel tight or their shoe size changes , especially the width . 

How  is acromegaly diagnosed ?

Symptoms of acromegaly often show up very slowly over  many years . this makes it hard to diagnose . They'll make a diagnosis based on your medical history , a through clinical evalution and specialized tests like blood tests and imaging tests . 

How to treated acromegaly ?

 There are several treatment options for acromegaly . Healthcare provider will consider your symptoms and circumstances before offering treatment options that are right for you .

In many cases , surgery greatly improves acromegaly symptoms or corrects the condition entirely . Surgeons most often use a type of surgery called transsphenoidal surgery , which involves going through  your nose and sphenoids sinus , a hollow space  in your skull behind the nasal passages and below your brain , to perform surgery . The specifies of the surgery will depend on the size and location of the tumor . The goal of surgery  is to remove all of a tumor that is causing  excess growth  hormone production . 

Medications work in different ways to normalize your  body's growth hormone levels and improves your symptoms . a person may take medication  until the tumor has shrunk . This can allow a surgeon to then  safely  remove it . Other people  may need to take medication  long - term to effectively manage growth hormone  levels and symptoms . 


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