
Showing posts from September, 2022


 STASIS DERMATITIS  Stasis dermatitis happens when a problem with your veins , usually in your lower legs , that keep blood from moving very well . Fluid and pressure build , some of the blood leaks out of your veins and into your skin .  The condition is also called venous eczema or stasis dermatitis . it more commonly found in people who are 50 or older than that . Medical treatment help , and you can do many things on your own to get the problem under control .  SYMPTOMS OF STASIS DERMATITIS  Swelling around your ankles is often the first sign notice . It might be better when you sleep  and then come back during the day when you again  active . Here are some symptoms of stasis dermatitis : - The skin around or above your ankles looks raddish , yellowish , or a brown color .  - Various veins , which look twisted , bulging , and dark purple or blue  - Itching - Pain  - Sores that ooze, crust , or look scaly  - Thickened skin around  your ankles or shins  - Hair loss on ankles or shins


 SYPHILIS  Syphilis is a chronic bacterial infection that can be transmitted through sexual contact . Syphilis is caused by a type of bacteria known as Treponema pallidu . Syphilis can be challenging to diagnose . Someone can have it without showing any symptoms for years . Syphilis that remains untreated for a long time can cause major damage  to important organs , such as heart and the brain .  The symptoms and causes of syphilis can help you protect yourself . Syphilis , understanding this infection can help you recognize signs of the conditions and prevent transmission .  CAUSES OF SYPHILIS : Syphilis is caused by a bacterial infection . The bacterial infection has minimal to no symptoms . The infection progresses to affect multiple systems in your body, which can have severe effects .  RISK OF SYPHILIS : Here some certain factors may increase your chances of contracting an infection . The following groups of people have an increased risk of contracting syphilis : - people who have


 RINGWORM  Ringworm of the body is a  rash that caused by a fungal infection . it look like an itchy , circular rash with clearer skin in the middle . Ringworm of the body is related to athlete's foot , jock itch  and ringworm of the scalp . Ringworm often spreads by direct skin to skin jcontact with an infected person or animal . Ringworm isn't a worm  it is a skin infection that's caused by mold like fungi that live on the dead tissues of your skin ,hair , and nails .  SYMPTOMS  OF RINGWORM Signs and symptoms of ringworm may include : - A scaly ring - shaped  area , typically on the buttocks , trunk , arms and legs  - Itchiness - Slightly raised , expanding rings  - A round , flat patch of itchy skin  - Overlapping rings  - A clear scaly area inside the ring, perhaps with a scattering of bumps whose color ranges from red on white skin to reddish , purplish , brown or gray on black and brown skin .  CAUSES OF RINGWORM  Ringworm is a contagious fungal infection  that caused


 PEMPHIGUS  VULGARIS  Pemphigus is a disease that causes blisters and sores on the skin or mucous membranes , such as in the mouth or on the genitals . Pemphigus is occur at any age , it most often seen in people who are middle aged or order . it tends to be a long - lasting conditions and some types can be life threating without treatments . treatment with medication usually controls it .  Pemphigus vulgaris is the most common type of a group of autoimmune disorders called pemphigus . Each type of pemphigus is characterized by where the blisters form .  Pemphigus vulgaris affects the mucous membrances , which are found in areas  including the : Mouth Throat  Nose  Eyes Genitals  Lungs SYMPTOMS  OF PEMPHIGUS VULGARIS  Pemphigus causes blisters on your skin and membrances  . the blisters rupture easily , leaving open sores.  The signs and symptoms of two common types of pemphigus are as follow: 1 . Pemphigus Vulgaris : This type usually  begins with blisters in the mouth and your skin o

PARONYCHIA : Types , Causes , Symptoms , Prevention

 PARONYCHIA  Paronychia is an inflammation of the skin around the nails , which can occur suddenly , & it is usually due to the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus , or gradually when it is common caused by the fungus Candida albicans . Paronychia is nail inflammation it may result from trauma , irritation or infection .it can affect fingernails or toenails .  Paronychia can develop when bacteria enter broken skin near the cuticle and nails fold , causing an  infection . the cuticle is the skin at the base of the nail.  CAUSES OF PARONYCHIA  Acute paronychia is usually caused by bacteria . it is often to treated with antibiotics , either oral,  topical or both . Chronic paronychia is most often caused  a yeast infection of the soft tissues all around the nails , and it can be traced to a bacterial infection . The infection is continuous , the cause is often fungal and needs antifungal cream or paint to be treated .  Paronychia is a primary inoculation  of tuberculosis of the skin and n

ONYCHOLYSIS : causes , prevention

 ONYCHOLSIS Onycholysis is when your nail separates from -its nail bed . it often appears after an injury to your nails , but it may have other causes, including fungi . Treatment may only involve cutting away the separated nail as it grows out, or you may need to take antifungal medicational or stop using certain nail products .  HOW COMMON IS ONYCHOLYSIS?  Onycholysis is common , and it generally lasts for several months or over a year . Any condition that affects the skin underneath your nails eventually cause onycholysis.  SYMPTOMS OF ONYCHOLYSIS INCLUDED : Nails that peel away from their nails beds . Tough, thick nail beds  An abnormal border between the pink area of your nail and  the white edge of your nail.  Discoloration in,  your nails and nails beds . They may look  grey , green , purple , white or yellow . Dents or pits in your nails . Crumbling nails. Hemorrhages underneath your nails .  COMMON CAUSES OF ONCHOLYSIS  1. INJURIES  { TRAUMA}: Injuries to a nail or the area w

Labial Melanotic Macule : features, causes , symptoms and treatments

 LABIAL MELANOTIC MACULE  A labial melaantic macule is a well- defined , oval , brown  to black , flat patch on the central third of the lower lip . it is the name for a freckle arising on the lip . It is th ename for a freckle arising on the lip . it is also sometimes called  a labial lentigo and when  multiple lesions are present , mucosal melanosis.  THE CLINICAL FEATURES OF LABIAL MELANOTIC  FRECKLE  A labial melanotic macule is most commonly seen in adult women but it also occurs in males and young people . occasionally the lesion can be on thre upper lip . Size range from 1-8 mm. The lesion usually remain unchanged in size and color . they can occasionally have an irregular edge and there may be a history of color change which can cause confusion with other pigmented lessions ,including  melanoma . Melanoma is very rare on the lip .  SYMPTOMS OF LABIAL MELANOTIC MACULE  CAUSES OF LABIAL MELANOTIC MACULE  A labial melanotic macule is thought to be provoked by sun exposure , and it

ORAL MUCOCELE : causes , symptoms , treatments

ORAL MUCOCELE An oral mucocele is a harmless mucus - filled cyst on the inside of your mouth . The cysts are usually painless and look like smooth , round lesions . Trauma such as biting your lip cause most oral mucoceles. you typically don't need treatment because the cyst should go away by itself . your provider can remove large cyst should go away by itself . your provider can remove large cysts or ones that cause discomfort . An oral mucocele is a painless fluid filled cyst on the inner surface of your mouth. These harmless blisters appear most often on inner part of your lower lip . they can also affect your inner part of your lower lip . they can also affect your inner cheeks , tongue , gums and the floor of your mouth .  Oral mucoceles, or mucous cysts, usually occur due to minor trauma , such as biting your lip . sustain an oral injury , you may damage or block a salivary gland . Oral mucocele normally go away on their own . but large cysts can cause issues with talking , c

NOSEBLEED FIRST AID : causes , prevention , treatment

 NOSEBLEED  Nosebleed either occur spontaneously or are the result of some sort of trauma , such as a hit to the face . Things that cause nosebleed are certain medical condition extreme cold and / or dry air , nose picking , strenuous activity , certain medications  and being hit in the nose .  Most nosebleeds occur in the front of the nose when there is damage to the blood vessels . other nosebleed occur in the back of the nose, causing bleeding into the throat . Nosebleed can be frightening , but they aren't usually a sign of anything  serious and can often be treated at home . During a nosebleed , blood flows from one or both nostrils it can be heavy or light and last from a few seconds to 15 minutes or more .   CAUSES OF NOSEBLEED The inside of nose is full of tiny , delicate blood vessels that can become damaged and bleed relatively  easily .  - children between two and 10 years of age  - elderly people  - pregnant women - people who take blood thinning  medication such as asp

NICKEL ALLERGY : causes , symptoms , prevention

NICKEL ALLERGY  Nickle allergy is a common cause of allergic contact dermatitis - an itchy rash that appears where your skin touches a usually harmless substances . Nickle allergy is often associated with earrings and other jewelry . But Nickle can be found in many everyday items , such as coins , zippers , eyeglass frames , cosmetics , detergents , and even some electronics , including cellphones and laptops . Treatments can reduce the symptoms of Nickle allergy . SYMPTOMS  An allergic rection usually begins within hours to days after exposure to nickel . the rection may last as 2 to 4  weeks . the rection tends to occur only where your skin came into contact  with Nickle , but sometimes may appear in other places on your body .  Nickel allergy signs and symptoms include : 1. Rash or bumps on the skin  2. Itching , which may be severe  3. Redness or changes in skin color  4. Dry patches of skin that may resemble a burn  5. Blister and draining fluid in severe cases  CAUSES  The exact

Monkeypox rash : symptoms , prevention

 MONKEYPOX RASH  Monkeypox is a rare disease similar to smallpox caused by the monkeypox virus . it found mostly in areas of Africa , but has been seen in other regions of the world . it cause flu like symptoms such as fever  and chills , and a rash that can take weeks to clear .  Monkeypox is a rare disease caused by the monkeypox virus . its leads to rash and flu - like symptoms . like the better known virus that causes smallpox , its a member of the family called orthopoxvirus .  Monkeypox was discovered in 1958  when  two outbreaks of a pox - like  disease occurred in groups of monkeys being used for researched .There are 2 known types of monkeypox virus - one that originated in central Africa  and one that originated in West Africa . The  current world is caused by the less severe West Africa clade .  SIGN AND SYMPTOMS OF MONKEYPOX  It may be several days to a weeks before you develop symptoms . early signs of monkeypox include flu - like symptoms , including : - fever  -chills 

Molluscum contagiosum : causes , symptoms , prevention

 MOLLUSCUM CONTAGIOSUM  Molluscum contagiosum is a skin infection caused by a virus of the same name . it produce benign , raised bumps , or lesions , on the upper layer of the skin .  The small bumps are usually painless . they resolve without treatment and  rarely leave scars . the length of time the virus lasts varies fir each person , but the bumps can remain from 2 months to 4 years .  Molluscum contagious transmits between people through direct skin contact with someone who has the virus or by touching an object that  the virus has containated , like a towel or a piece of clothing .  SYMPTOMS  Molluscum contagiosum signs and symptoms include : Raised , round , skin - colored bumps  Small bumps - typically under about 1/4 inch in diameter  Bumps  with a small dent or dot at the top near the center  Itchy , pink bumps  Bumps on the face , trunk , arms or legs of children  Bumps on the genitals , lower abdomen or inner thighs of adults if the infection was sexually transmitted .  CA

Merkel cell carcinoma : causes , symptoms , prevention

MERKEL CELL CARCINOMA  Merkel cell carcinoma is a rare type of skin cancer that usually appears as a flesh colored or bluish red nodule , often on your face, head and neck . Merkel cell carcinoma is also called neuroendocrine carcinoma of the skin .  Merkel cell carcinoma most often develop in older people . long term sun exposure or a weak immune system may increase  your risk of developing Merkel cell carcinoma .  SYMPTOMS  The first sign of Merkel cell carcinoma is usually a fast growing ,  painless nodule on your skin . the nodule may be skin colored or may appeared in shades of red , blue  or purple . most Merkel cell carcinoma appear on the face , head or neck , but they can develop anywhere on your body, even on areas not exposed to sunlight .  CAUSES It's not clear  causes Merkel cell carcinoma . Merkel cell carcinoma begins in the Merkel cells . Merkel cells are found at the base of the outermost layer of your skin . Merkel cell carcinoma are connected to the nerve ending